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Packaging unification in Linux

It seems that talk has been started around the unification of packaging systems for various Linux distributions. There are currently different systems. Maybe the main ones are the Debian system (files with  .deb extension being used among others by Debian, Ubuntu or Mint) and the RPM system (with .rpm extension, being used by RedHat, Fedora, OpenSuse and others), but there are more, for instance the  Pacman system used by Arch Linux.


Software and data migration to a new computer


I have renewed my laptop after using my previous one several years. But what is remarkable is how easy it is to migrate both applications, its settings and the data from one computer to another one when you use GNU-Linux systems like Ubuntu, so that you can continue working in the new computer exactly as you were working in the old computer. Here you have some notes on how I did it.


Update on how to identify the url from a radio stream


sharkThis is an update on how to identify an URL stream using wireshark. In a previous article I explained how to install wireshark:

For some reason, radio stream providers are increasingly obfucasting the URL of the radio stream, probably because they want users to access their streams through their web page. So my old instructions do not work.

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